Category Archives: Others

Kyoto Filmmakers’ Lab 2009, samurai movie

Kyoto Filmmakers Lab was held in Kyoto, Japan from September 27 to October 1. This program provided a great experience and education to talented young filmmakers in the world. This…

Japanese Girl’s Railfan TETSUKO, train freak

    There are lots of train freaks in Japan, and they were mostly men before; however, female railfans are increasing in the past few years. They are called “tetsu-ko…

Japanese Style Inn, RYOKAN

  Ryokan is traditional Japanese Inn, commonly has public baths or a hot spring. The rooms are Japanese style rooms with tatami and sliding doors. Typically, the chief service manager…

Japanese Children are Busy Taking Lessons!!! – abacus, syodo, baseball, soccer

  Many Japanese children take lessons outside of school or kindergarten. The popular lessons are, piano, swimming, violin, [W:abacus] (soroban), Japanese calligraphy (syodo), painting, baseball, and soccer. Some parents have…

Blog Action Day 2009: The influence of Decreased Snowfall upon Japan

  For the Blog Action Day 2009, I wrote about the delay of leaves’ color change in autumn yesterday. Another noticeable climate change in Japan is the less of snowfall….

Blog Action Day 2009: Water Crisis and Flush Toilets [Japan]

  “What do you think about climate change?” I asked my ten years old daughter. Since the theme for Blog Action Day 2009 is climate change, I was thinking about…

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change Influences on Colored Leaves in Autumn [Japan]

  Colored leaves bring Japanese people real feeling of autumn. Traditionally, there is a custom called “momiji-gari” that people go to out to see beautiful colored mountains. Momiji-gari is enjoyed…

Blog Action Day 2009: Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions — A Musician Ryuichi Sakamoto’s Approach [Japan]

    Japanese political change took place in the end of August. The Democratic Party in the office proclaims “cut 25% of carbon dioxide emissions”, which is widely sympathized in…

Blog Action Day 2009: Cool Biz and Warm Biz [Japan]

    It is worldly believed that reducing green gas emissions leads to prevent rapidly progressing global warming. In summer of 2005, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment started the…

The Top Traditional Ceramic Towns in Japan

  It is a ranking of “the traditional ceramic towns where fun to walk around”.   There are 3 blocks; South Area, Middle Area, North Area. [South Area (Kyushu, Chugoku,…

Automotive Navigation System in Japan

The number of automotive navigation system users is 65% of the all car owners in Japan. It is called “car navi” and it’s been infiltrated in our life. The familiarized…
