Category Archives: Others

Earthquake Early Warning in Japan

As one of the most earthquake prone countries, Japan has the Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system that literally provides information of upcoming earthquake about quarter to half seconds before. It…

Photos of Northeast Japan before the Quake

 ”Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture”Photo by Yasuhiko Ito In this post, I want to share some pictures of northeast Japan taken before the quake and tsunami occurred on March 11, wishing…

Earthquake Resistance Technology Photo by kawarano Being a highly seismic country, Japan has a lot of researchers and engineers engaged in earthquake-resistant technology. One third of theses turned in to quadrennial World Conference…

Effective Electricity Conservation

Because of the recent earthquake, we are experiencing planned brownouts in areas within the jurisdiction of Tokyo Electric Power Co. Tokyo & eight prefectures are divided into five groups, and…

Why are the Japanese so Perseverance?

Photo by k&k “Ganbare!” is one of the Japanese words that are used the most right now. It means “bear up,” “hang in there,” “do your best,” “try hard,” “go…

Heart Breaking Tsunami Victims’ Interviews

 “I got separated from my daughter when the massive seawater hit us.” A woman quietly told NHK with teary eyes. After the 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit northeast Japan, she and her…

What One Needs to Help Others

  Four days passed since the major earthquake. Fortunately, the damage wasn’t so big here in Tokyo while the areas around the center of the shock were severely damaged –…

Messages From the World : Pray For Japan

A great number of messages are arriving from all over the world. They are collected on the website called “NAVER”. Let me introduce a part of them (image messages).  …

Nuclear Plant Problem: What’s Going On?

    The world is really concerning about the nuclear power plant in the disaster area in northeast Japan. At the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant, following to No. 1…

Useful Earthquake Information

Yesterday on my Facebook page, I made a lot of posts about the earthquake. Let me collect them and add some more info here. Please read this through especially if…

Donate for Quake and Tsunami Relief

According to the latest report, the death toll from the 8.8 earthquake exceeded 1000 and more than 640 people are missing. Several towns were totally destroyed and unable to make…
