Tag Archives: earthquake

Sanriku Shigoto Project: Rubble Key Ring

“The fact that having a work brings people a smile and restores their confident.” I wrote about a business establishment which supports selling products made by people who lost family,…

Sanriku Shigoto Project: Lucky Bracelet of the Beach

“The fact that having a work brings people a smile and restore their confident again.” With such a concept, a Japanese shop is widely selling several products made by people…

[One Year On: Japan after Quake] Something We Can Share with the World – Part 1

Today, I would like to share a story about 3.11 from my friend Riku Santosa. (>>This is his pen name. He is Japanese.) Last year he actually visited Miyagi prefecture…

At the Moment of the Quake

  This is an episode that happened at a Japanese language school in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.  The massive Tohoku earthquake hit Japan on 3.11 at 2:46 in the afternoon. It was…

“Whatever” Cats

These cats are so quiet! The owner put things on their heads and paws but they are like “Whatever.”They are the mascot cats of a Japanese photo blog “Kago-neko (Basket…
