Category Archives: Culture

[Kaomoji(^_^) — Japanese emoticons (^ 0 ^ )/]

  Many Japanese people love to use emoticons, kaomoji, on their cell phones or computers! Because emoticons are so popular, they are used in manga too. It means that most…

Japanese Vending Machines

Picture [1] Japanese vending machine 1 Originally uploaded by pict_u_re In Japan, vending machines are everywhere! Not only beverages but also tobaccos, soups, snacks, ice creams, are sold in vending…

Japanese Super Toilet!

Japanese super toilets seem to be most advanced in the world. Today, the diffusion rate of super toilet, known as “warm-water cleaning toilet seats,” is 60 % in Japan. A…

Geta — Japanese Foot Ware!

Kanamara Festival・かなまら祭り・Tengu・天狗 Originally uploaded by triplexpresso   Geta are Japanese traditional foot ware. They are worn with kimono or yukata. A geta has V-shaped toe thong on a wooden sole….

Teru Teru Bozu — Japanese weather wishing doll

Teru teru bozu means “sunny sunny boy” and it’s a Japanese traditional weather wish doll. This doll is simply made of white cloth and cotton ball. Very kawaii (cute)(^_^) Usually…

Japanese Geishas’ beauty tip! — Aburatori-gami

I give you Geishas’ little beauty tip today! You know how their make-up stay beautifully even when they dance and moves around in kimono? It’s because they use “facial oil…

Maneki-neko — Cute Japanese Lucky cat!

  Maneki-neko (Beckoning cat) is often seen at Japanese restaurants and stores. It’s a lucky cat which brings customers or money depends on which hand it raising. It is said…

Suika-wari — Japanese Smashing Watermelon Game!

うさぎのスイカ割り Originally uploaded by kachohfugetsu Suika-wari — Japanese Smashing Watermelon Game! Summer vacation is going to be over soon in Japan. It’s time for kids to have “last minute fun”…

Japanese “Kingyo sukui” — Goldfish scooping game!

Kingyo sukui means “Goldfish scooping.” And yes, it is literally the game that a player scoop goldfish from a big basin. This game is one of the popular summer festival…

Japanese YUKATA— Summer Kimono

Yukata, Kyoto Originally uploaded by shibuya246   Yukata is a summer kimono made of cotton. In Japan, people wear yukata for bon odori and summer festivals. Yukata means “bathing clothes”…

Japanese HANABI (Fireworks)

During summer, people enjoy fireworks everywhere, every night in Japan. There are handy fireworks, rocket ones and other unique ones sold at stores, even at convenience stores. People buy these…
