Tag Archives: Environment

Wasabi Stories vol.39: “Scenery and largeness of heart are related each other”

  — ABOUT  Wasabi Stories… —   “Scenery and largeness of heart are related each other” Today’s story teller is an environmental photographer, [W:Takashi Amano]. He has taken photographs in…

Blog Action Day 2009: The influence of Decreased Snowfall upon Japan

  For the Blog Action Day 2009, I wrote about the delay of leaves’ color change in autumn yesterday. Another noticeable climate change in Japan is the less of snowfall….

Blog Action Day 2009: Water Crisis and Flush Toilets [Japan]

  “What do you think about climate change?” I asked my ten years old daughter. Since the theme for Blog Action Day 2009 is climate change, I was thinking about…

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change Influences on Colored Leaves in Autumn [Japan]

  Colored leaves bring Japanese people real feeling of autumn. Traditionally, there is a custom called “momiji-gari” that people go to out to see beautiful colored mountains. Momiji-gari is enjoyed…

Blog Action Day 2009: Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions — A Musician Ryuichi Sakamoto’s Approach [Japan]

    Japanese political change took place in the end of August. The Democratic Party in the office proclaims “cut 25% of carbon dioxide emissions”, which is widely sympathized in…

Blog Action Day 2009: Cool Biz and Warm Biz [Japan]

    It is worldly believed that reducing green gas emissions leads to prevent rapidly progressing global warming. In summer of 2005, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment started the…
