What’s this? Strange things around Japanese houses


When you are in a resident area in Japan, sometimes you repeatedly find the same weird thing.


For example, plastic bottles filled with water.


plastic bottles

"PENTAKON" some rights reserved. flickr


They are put out side of a house to repel cats.

It’s said that cats don’t like light reflects on the bottle because it’s too bright; although, the bottles with water can start fire by concentrate the sun’s rays to a single point, so it’s not the best idea but some households still do it.


The next weird thing is vegetable with sticks on.


精霊馬 posted by (C)独酌


They are eggplant and cucumber stuck with chopsticks.

During summer, they are found in front of some houses.

The eggplant supposed to be a cow and cucumber is a horse, and they are the vehicles of ancestors’ spirits, which are believed to visit their families during bon period.

There might be more strange things, but japanstyle will solve the mysteries!



This is JAPAN Style!


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