Rhythmical Candy Cutting


There is an old Japanese candy store where the candy craftsmen cut freshly made candy with knives rhythmically.


japan street

"jpellgen" some rights reserved. flickr



The candy store, Matsuya Souhonten, is on the right side of the street in the picture. It opened 141 years ago and became famous for its cough drops.



Here is a video of them cutting candy.




You can see the cutting candy performance at the store. It’s called “ton-toko ame kiri”, literally means “knock knock candy cutting.”


Please look at the picture again. The structure far back on the street is 882 years old temple, Kawasaki Daishi (informal name for Heiken-ji) in Kawasaki, [W:Kanagawa Prefecture].

There are many traditional stores around the temple, but the candy cutting is one of the most eye-catching things.



This is JAPAN Style!


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