Delicious, Healthy, Japanese Tofu Products!

In Japan, tofu products are well eaten as well as tofu; for example, abra-age, atsu-age, ganmodoki, koya-dofu and okara.

Abura-age is thin sliced fried tofu, put in miso soup or stir fry. It’s also used for sushi called “Inari-zushi” (rice stuffed in it).

Inari-zushi. "FotoosVanRobin" some rights reserved. flickr

Inari-zushi. "FotoosVanRobin" some rights reserved. flickr

Atsu-age is fried thick tofu.

Ganmodoki is made from tofu and vegetables puree such as Japanese yam, burdock, carrots. Often used in oden and nimono (boiled with seasoning).


Ganmodoki. Copy right まるも

Ganmodoki. Copy right まるも

Koya-dofu is freeze-dried tofu, usually reconstituted in kelp soup. The texture is spongy.


Koya-dofu. Copy right yushita

Koya-dofu. Copy right yushita



Okara is soy pulp which is left over after the production of tofu and soy milk. It’s often used in diet food.


Okara. Copy right yushita

Okara. Copy right yushita



This is JAPAN Style!


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