The Japanese people love blogging and the fact is known in the world.
Many Japanese blog about food but I think this is the only blogger who only focuses on “instant ramen”.
The blogger’s name is AZABUDAI AYAKO. She is a office worker and runs the blog as her hobby.
The title of the blog is awesome,
“The woman who eats instant ramen the most in Japan” lol.
Literally, she eats instant ramen almost everyday, and sometimes she interviews with instant ramen company.
So she seems to be an active and passionate woman for instant ramen.
She doesn’t posts everyday but the each article is good in volume and the structure is well considered too.
For example,
An article starts with the calorie, price, cooking time and purchased place.
And in the main subject, she writes the back ground of the ramen, details of ingredients, and her impression after eating.
Of course, there are pictures in between of plots, and in the end, she rate it in five stars.

The blog has been around for a quite long time, and it’s well-known in Japan.
So, JAPAN Style may interview this ramen woman next time (^_^)
Reference:Ramen Woman (Japanese site)
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