Is It Difficult to Raise Children in Japan? – Part 2

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In my previous article, I gave some examples of cruel reactions to crying babies in public places. Japanese are sometimes very strict when it comes to not bothering/infringing on other people. Thus, crying babies, along with their parents, might be targeted as for stepping outside these rigid interpersonal boundaries of Japanese society.

According to a recent survey by The Cabinet Office, targeting one hundred sets of Japanese parents who have experienced living outside Japan with their children, most claim that it is easier to raise children in other countries than it is in Japan. The public cultures of other countries seem to be more tolerant and forgiving of babies/small children.


For example,

* More baby-friendly facilities.

* Wider variety in baby products.

* Better welfare system on child-care (either at work and in the societies)

* Fathers also can take baby-care leave (or other benefits) and enjoy raising babies with mothers.

* Babysitters more readily available.

* People generally extend more consideration for parents and small children.
(e.x. Parents don’t have to be too nervous even when their babies cry in public places)

* Passersby are willing to help/lend a hand to parents with small children.
(e.x. In the situation in which a mother is trying to negotiate stairs with her baby and stroller)


While some people worry about medical issues due to difficulties in language, there are more positive opinions all in all.

Japan has serious issues with the declining birth rate and aging population, and it is definitely time for us to create a more child-friendly society.



Author: Junko