Amazing! Instant T-Shirt Folding Trick without Any Tool


Folding laundry is no fun…

If you are in a big family, it’s a heavy work.

I’ve always wanted to get it done quickly, and finally found the trick to fold a laundry in a second.



First, lay a T-shirt on a floor. The neck part will be right.

Decide the center point of the shirt with your eyes.

1.   Pinch half way above the center point (1/4 of the width) with your left hand.

2.   With your right hand, pick the shoulder and the bottom edge on the extended line of the left hand point.

3.   As you shake the shirt, fold the left sleeve in.


Here you are! Beautifully done!


Isn’t it easy?

This trick will be useful during summer (^_^)


This is JAPAN Style!


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