Tag Archives: Rakugo

Wasabi Stories vol.246: “What is the Readiness of the Regular Customer?”

Today’s story-teller is rakugo performer Danshiro Tatekawa. The story is about ‘a regular eating and drinking spot’. He says, “It is nice to have a regular drinking spot and get…

Wasabi Stories vol. 209: “Power of Laughter”

  — ABOUT  Wasabi Stories… —   “Power of Laughter” Today’s story-teller is rakugo storyteller Bunchin Katsura who was picked up in the previous post. Bunchin touched on the Great…

Wasabi Stories vol. 207: “Be Prepared For the Future”

  — ABOUT  Wasabi Stories… —   “Be Prepared For the Future” Today’s story-teller is rakugo storyteller Bunchin Katsura (hereafter called Bunchin). He talks about Mt. Fuji in the early…

RAKUGO — Japanese Traditional Comedy

Rakugo is the traditional Japanese art form of comic storytelling. It has over 300 years of history. To make it easier to imagine what it is, I would say it’s…
