Marimo Lake Balls

Lake Akan in Kushiro, Hokkaido is well known as a home of marimo, also known as a lake ball or moss ball. It is a species of green algae.




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“Lake Akan”


"sendaiblog" some rights reserved. flickr



Because the marimo in Lake Akan is perfectly round and beautiful, it has been protected and defined as a natural treasure.

The reason why marimo forms like a ball while other algae don’t get round has not become clear yet.

But how marimo floats up and sinks in water by itself is made known. When sunlight hits marimo, it exudes enzymatic bubbles into the water inside of the ball, so that it gets lighter and floats up to the surface of water.



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Around the lake and in Hokkaido, small artificial marimo balls in water are sold as souvenirs.


“Marimo in Tiny Bottles”


"Mrs Piggy**" some rights reserved. flickr



There are also marimo character goods sold in the area.


“Mari Mari Marimo”


"selva" some rights reserved. flickr





"double-h_by_phone" some rights reserved. flickr



“Hello Kitty in Marimo”


"Nemo’s great uncle" some rights reserved. flickr



Source: Marimonokai


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