One is the Loneliest Number – Solo Photos


Photos of happy couples or families make other people happy, too. But what if you are all alone? You think you can’t take happy photos? Don’t worry 😉  Even if you don’t have your loving sweetheart or cute babies around, there is a fun way to take happy photos.


As you can see, this is not an especially happy photo.
Our blogger Mr.J is totally alone.


Alone? Wait a minute. there is a statue of a female beside him.
He is not alone any more!


“Say cheese!!” Look at their happy smiles!
They look just like a real couple LOL.


You can make even such a sad photo look happy like…


This!! It looks like they are saying, “Hooray!
We just got married! (^o^)/”


However, the situation while he is trying to take a happy photo looks a bit unfortunate (T_T).


Uh-oh. It looks like a haunted house. Kind of scary…(-_-;
But even in a dark spooky place…


“Say cheese!!”
You can take a happy photo with your pet. (pet??)


And even at a holy site such as a Shinto shrine like this…


You can shoot a memorial snap with the ‘koma-inu’ guardian statue with big smile 😀 😀


But the situation when he is taking the photo is pretty awkward (^^;;


Even in the rain.


Kiss and smile! Happy! XD


Oh… He looks like a freak.
Don’t let the police catch you Mr. J!


Even on the quiet street.


Kiss and smile! Happy! XD


How about the statue on a tall base like this?


Let’s lean over its arm like a real couple would.


Maybe this one is too tall to take a happy photo, though…


When you have to go on a trip without a companion, try out this fun shooting technique and take many happy photos 😉


Source: Daily Portal Z


This is JAPAN Style!