[Japan after Quake] Headline Round-up : Apr.25-May1



This is a weekly headline round-up of the posts titled [Japan after Quake] on our Facebook page.


[Apr. 25] Akihabara gizmo shops dim display power & energy saving products sell big.

Source: http://mainichi.jp/select/weathernews/news/20110414k0000e040054000c.html

In addition to energy saving products, emergency supplies such as batteries and hand-powered radios sell well.


[Apr. 26] Removal of debris contaminated w/ radioactivity becomes deadlocked in Fukushima.

Source: http://mainichi.jp/select/jiken/news/20110414k0000e040036000c.html

Because the law doesn’t clarify, we don’t know which community should be in charge of this issue. The amount of debris remaining in Fukushima prefecture is about 2,900,000 tons…


[Apr. 27] Fishermen who lost their boats are hired by Iwate village for debris removal.

Source: http://mainichi.jp/select/weathernews/news/20110414k0000e040043000c.html

Good way to expand employment opportunities. “My work is physical labor. It makes me feel refreshed”, one of the fishermen says.


[Apr. 28] A volunteer staff (woman) and a victim (man) fall in love and get engaged 😀 😀

Source: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20110423-00000008-maip-soci.view-000

They will have a wedding ceremony at an evacuation center. The bride and her 5 year old son are going to move to the disaster stricken town.


[Apr. 29] Communities stop accepting volunteers during GW holidays due to lodging & traffic issues.

Source: http://mainichi.jp/select/weathernews/news/20110429ddm035040060000c.html

Too many volunteers cause other troubles. That’s ironic…


[Apr. 30] “Radioactivity calculator” iPhone app created by a high school boy.

Source: http://attrip.jp/26042

Available only in Japanese. All the earnings from this app go to the disaster relief effort.


[May 1] Police cadets pulled into shorthanded areas. Their first mission was corpse cleaning.

Source: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20110501-00000079-san-soci

They knew the importance of their missions working as police officers.


This is JAPAN Style!