Tag Archives: Kids

Gashapon — Japanese Capsule Toys

Because Japanese capsule toys are well made and many of them are collectable, not only kids but also adults love capsule toys in Japan! Capsule toys are usually 100 or…

Teru Teru Bozu — Japanese weather wishing doll

Teru teru bozu means “sunny sunny boy” and it’s a Japanese traditional weather wish doll. This doll is simply made of white cloth and cotton ball. Very kawaii (cute)(^_^) Usually…

Suika-wari — Japanese Smashing Watermelon Game!

うさぎのスイカ割り Originally uploaded by kachohfugetsu Suika-wari — Japanese Smashing Watermelon Game! Summer vacation is going to be over soon in Japan. It’s time for kids to have “last minute fun”…

Japanese “Kingyo sukui” — Goldfish scooping game!

Kingyo sukui means “Goldfish scooping.” And yes, it is literally the game that a player scoop goldfish from a big basin. This game is one of the popular summer festival…
