Stylish UNIQLO’s Calendar


JAPAN Style previously introduced a Japanese fast fashion company, UNIQLO.

Since it operates in various countries, you may be familiar with it.


When you go to the UNIQLO’s website, you can see this very stylish calendar page!!


uniqlo calender


The calendar page displays a stop-motion movie of Japanese sceneries with smooth music.

The scenes change in every few seconds.

It’s designed contemporarily and artistic but the picture above is only a static image and you can’t really see what it’s like, so please check it with your eyes! (If the volume of your speaker is high, be careful, the site makes sound.)

On the calendar page, click the right above date and weather square to change the location.

Seeing just this calendar page made me think that UNIQLO takes the world into their view.


UNIQLO Calendar


This is JAPAN Style!


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