Yosakoi Dance Festival in Indonesia


This is my friend Junko’s article who moved in Indonesia from [W:Hokkaido] last month.

Enjoy her article!


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I live in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Last month, the 8th annual Yosakoi dance festival was held here. 39 teams (1160 total participants) joined.

This is the largest turnout to date, and every team gave a wonderful performance.

Yosakoi is a very popular dance gathering which has spread throughout Japan after originally beginning in [W:Kochi prefecture] in 1954.

Surabaya, a sister city of Kochi prefecture, has hosted the annual Yosakoi festival and competition since 2003.




The dance style of  Yosakoi is very unique and dynamic! City streets are closed to traffic.

Groups dance vigorously in elaborate costumes, beating small wooden clappers called naruko while moving forward bit by bit down the avenues.



Naruko clappers. "suneko" some rights reserved. flickr



Yosakoi is an annual event, so some enthusiastic participants keep practicing for a whole year to give a perfect performance.


Amazing!! 😯



Yosakoi in Japan. "daita" some rights reserved. flickr



Traditional and modern Japanese dance movements, music, makeup and costumes combine to make the Yosakoi festival a unique and anticipated event.

Also, it’s awesome that the music accompanying the dancing is often skillfully arranged in a variety of rock, samba, and other styles♪

Come to see Yosakoi in Japan or Surabaya (。▽^ *)/☆

I’m sure you will enjoy it!


This is JAPAN + INDONESIA Style!


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