Attaché Case Bento


Our blogger Mr. O used to wear a suit and carry an attaché case to work. But now he’s in a new line of work and doesn’t have to carry the case anymore.

So, he’s been thinking about another use for for his old aluminum case. As you can see, Mr. O has hit upon the idea of using his old attaché case as a huge bento box. It might be too big, though…


The serious looking attaché case doesn’t exactly match the T-shirt
and casual pants.


It’s been a while since Mr. O used this attaché case,
so it took a minute for him to remember the lock code.


His roomy case looks too big for his tiny kitchen. (^^;;


To keep things tidy, let’s line it with some cling wrap before putting food inside.


Mr. O starts cooking.


Four sandwiches halves and four packs of vegetable juice.


Some more space is still available ;D I wonder what he puts in this remaining space?


Wow! This is gorgeous! Like a personal buffet! ‘Karaage’ fried chicken,
some vegetables and fruits. Looks nutritious as well.


Now he is in a park,
in a suit and with a suitcase just like he did in the old days.


The only difference is that the contents of his attaché case are actually today’s lunch. (And also the fact that he has to carry his attaché case horizontally…LOL)


Let’ have lunch!


Look at his happy face 😀 😀


I’d like to join him! Uh-oh, wait. Someone is approaching.


This man seems to want to mow the grass on which Mr. O is having his picnic.


The man asks, “Can you have your lunch over there? There are many birds around here, so they might try to steal your food. Be careful.” But he seems nevertheless oblivious to the big silver bento box…


Source: Daily Portal Z


This is JAPAN Style!