Natural Spring Water in Tokyo

As you know, Tokyo is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. So, it might be a little surprising to hear that you can find some spots in Tokyo where natural spring water coming out of the ground.

Let’s see one of them.



This spot can be found near Meguro station.


There is a natural spring in this dark and empty back alley.
I wonder where in Tokyo this is.


Keep walking along next to a sad-looking wall.
Above the wall, there is a regular street and many houses in a row.


I think we found it.
But wait! It might be just a drainpipe (^^;)


Wow! A lot of water is cascading out!


According to research, this is truly natural spring water. How about the quality? To tell you the truth, it is not dirty but neither is it perfectly clean as mountain drinking water. But still, the fact that we can find such a natural spring water in Tokyo is amazing.

Look at the map below.


The red dot is today’s spring water spot.


A river once flowed along the dark part below the red dot on the map. There is no longer a river, but the hills along the river remain. And the rain that falls around this area trickles into the ground. Later it springs from the ground at lower levels.

Such spring water spots are very rare lately in Tokyo. I would like to conserve them, even if they are not good enough as drinking water (^^).


Source: Daily Portal Z


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